to keep my family & friends updated.

keskiviikko 7. elokuuta 2013


Okay then.. I'm in Australia? What? H? owWhen did this happen?!
Last year passed by so quickly, I can't believe I'm already in here. Feels like only few months ago I'd have gotten the idea to go on exchange to Australia but in reality that's about one and half years ago?!
I still don't fully understand that I'm in Australia but that's normal I guess/hope...? 

It was time to say goodbye to Finland and head to new experiences!!
The flights went well, watched few movies and slept the rest of the time and whoops it was all over before I even noticed.  Also met some other STS exchange students, we were all very excited and had so much to talk about but were also busy using the free wifi!

My host mum, Geraldine, and host sister Emma were already waiting for me at the Canberra Airport when I arrived. 
My host family's so lovely and they've generously helped me with any problems I've had. 
They've introduced me to many new faces and everyone has been so polite and friendly so far! 

I've now went to the Campbell High School for one week and I've nothing to complain about! Everyone's so nice and ready to help me with anything. It is hard to remember everyone's name but I'm starting to remember them. I've got some new friends who I hang out with at school, afternoons I spend home with Emma, Andrew (my host brother), Geraldine, James and Geraldine's sister Cathy who is currently visiting from London. 

I've already tried few australian foods like meat pie, aussie fish & chips, Timtams and Vegemite but I still have many more to go! 
Pippa and Shadow (the dogs) are so dumb, energetic and so friendly. It is so nice to have pets for once and I just keep patting them all the time. Emma also has a cat called Eski, I used to be afraid of cats but now I've gotten used to Eski and she's such a cute little furball! 
There's two bad pictures of the school uniform as well, I was too lazy to take proper photos so I just used my phone. CHS isn't very strict with uniform so only the school shirt is required and you can just wear any jeans and shoes and blue jumpers with it.  I didn't get the jumper even though it is so nice and warm but luckily I can just borrow Riley's jumper any time I want to. 

Last weekend Geraldine took me and Emma to Newcastle to celebrate her mum's birthday.  It was a bit warmer in there so we spend the weekend outside, Geraldine's family took me to different places. We went to see pelican feeding, which is a big tourist attraction in Newcastle apparently, and we also got to the beach and it was amazing! The waves were great so there was also few surfers and I was just so amazed and overwhelmed when I realized that I was actually on an australian beach and not in Finland on a couch watching TV!! 

The first week was very tiring because everything was so different, apologies for taking so long to write this post! 

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